Volume-1 ~ Issue-4
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Abstract: Asymmetry of information is the information gap between management and owners of the company can be reduced in order to improve the quality of the profit generated by the company. This study aims to examine 1) the effect of information asymmetry on the quality of accrual earnings, 2) the effect of managerial ownership as a moderating variable between information asymmetry with accrual earnings quality, 3) the influence of the composition of the independent board directors as a moderating variable between information asymmetry with accrual earnings quality. Object of study is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) for 3 years (2009-2011). Study sample as many as 72 companies.The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows that consists of two types of analysis is multiple regression analysis and analysis of different test t-test. Results of this study indicate that information asymmetry variables significantly influence the quality of accruals and earnings moderating variable of managerial ownership and the variable composition of independen board directorst can be a moderating variable between information asymmetry with accrual earnings quality.
Keywords: asymmetry information, quality of earnings accruals, managerial ownership and independent directors.
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Abstract: The most debated issue in the field of finance is over the effect of dividend policy on market price per share. There are huge literatures for and against this wisdom. The current study has been undertaken aiming at evaluating the effect of dividend policy on market price of share in the context of Bangladesh. The study has covered secondary data and analyzed the data by employing descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple regression models. It has tested hypothesis by using F test. The study has found that the effect of dividend payout is more on market price than retention. This dependency is significant at 1%. Finally, the paper concludes that the findings over the effect of dividend policy on market price supports the relevant theory of dividend policy i.e. Walter's model and Gordon's model.
Key words: Dividend policy, Market price per share, Earning per share
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Abstract: The study investigated the impact of some selected macroeconomic variables on the attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Nigeria between 1975 and 2009. Augmented Dickey-Fuller test was used to examine the time series property of the data and Johansen co-integration test was employed to ascertain the long-run relationship between the dependent variable (FDI) and the independent macroeconomic variables. Ordinary least technique also was employed in the study. Error correction coefficient was high, rightly signed and significant which reveals a long run relationship between the selected macroeconomic variables and FDI for the period of study. The explanatory variables included in the model showed statistical significant impact on FDI. The overall regression was significant as denoted by the probability of the F-statistic at 5% significant level. On this note, among the recommendations made include: the Nigerian government should promote non-oil exports and discourage over dependence on imports of goods and raw materials; diversification of the economy should be paramount in the minds of the resource managers of our economy and it is imperative that the country has to promote private sector led growth and the creation of enabling environment, especially infrastructure. Key words: effects, foreign direct investment, liberalized economy, macroeconomic variables
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Factor Model for Determining the Individual Investment behavior in India. |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | Dr. S. Jayaraj |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0142132 ![]() |
Abstract: Globalization of financial markets has been increasing the retail investors' community over the past two decades by providing a wide variety of market and investment options. However, it makes much more complex in their investment decisions process. Expected utility theory views the individual investment decision as a tradeoff between immediate consumption and differed consumption. But individuals do not always prefer according to the classical theory of economics. Recent studies on individual investor behavior have shown that they do not act in a rational manner, rather several factors influence their investment decisions in stockmarket.It will be useful to examine whether some psychological and contextual factors affect individual investor behavior .Based on the previous literature on economics, finance and psychology ,individual investors were surveyed to find what and to what extent affects their investment behahiourIt is widely believed that investment behavior of individual investors influence the prices of stocks rarely. Therefore majority of the trading strategies and stock market policies are formulated with a focus only on institutional investors. This paper aims at identifying the factors influencing the retail investor's attitude.In this study principal component analysis is used to find out the determinants of individual investment behavior The psychological factors that may drive the individual investors are identified by using Principal Component Analysis. The present study provides five major factors that can influence investor behavior in Indian stock market. The findings may be helpful to design relevant investment strategies according to their personal characteristics so as to realize optimum return on their investment.
Keywords: Behavior Finance, Factor analysis, investors' attitude, riskJEL: GO2.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Appraisal of the Extent of Market Maturity in Nigeria Property Market |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Esther Oromidayo Thontteh |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0143338 ![]() |
Abstract: With increasing globalization of investments in recent years, it is becoming more important for investors to have better understanding of the Nigerian Property Markets. This paper aims to explore perceptions of market maturity and issues of importance for investment in the property markets. Maturity is a key concept in investors' decision making as it takes into account the nature and evolution of the markets as well as their economic, social and institutional condition. Interview guide and questionnaire was used to elicit information from Estate Surveyors and Valuers, real estate financiers and real estate investors. The information collated shows that Nigeria Property Market is highly immature due to unsound financial and economic structure, strength and stability of the economy, market openness, low level of professionalism, lack of information availability and standardization and culture. The paper therefore recommends that government should develop a workable framework and environment to improve on existing data.
Keywords - Globalization; Investments; Market Maturity; Nigeria; Property Market
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Abstract: In the present dynamic world, higher education is so very important for handling the crucial/competitive business activities. It helps in sound decision making in terms of business concern and management program which directly impact the economic development of a nation. The study aims to know the perception of SC/ST students participating towards higher education. SC/ST students are not able to enroll to higher education in Mysore district up to the mark as compared to other section of the society which is due to the social factors which are affecting them within our society. In order to know the root cause for fewer enrollments of students for higher education in Mysore city, survey was conducted in Mysore city colleges (Maharaj's college, Yuvaraja's collge, university evening college) and the collection of data was carried out through simple random sampling unit and structured questionnaire from prospective respondents. The analysis of data was done using statistical tools.
Keywords: perception, higher education, prospective, respondent.
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Abstract: Agro based industries are highly potential in the development of Bangladesh through government support with the financial aids along with training facilities for development in this sector. The aim of this paper is to identify the relations of Agro based industries loan to other loans. Also this paper identifies the contribution of the loans on different agricultural sectors in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Bangladesh. The study is confined only to the specific areas like the loans on different agricultural sectors and the contribution to GDP by the agriculture sector by the Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank for the twelve years period starting from 1998-1999 to 2009-2010. This paper investigate that all the variables considered in this study are positively correlated to each other. The coefficient of the regression line showed that there was a significant positive association between the contribution in GDP by agriculture and the loans on Crops, Livestock, Fishery, Irrigation equipment & farm machinery and Agro based industries.
Keywords : Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, Agro based industries loan, GDP, Bangladesh
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | U- Banking: The Next Generation E-Banking |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Peter John |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0144951 ![]() |
Abstract:The convergence of technology, business and communication brings several changes in the way of doing banking business. The development in the field of ubiquitous computing adds another dimension to traditional E-Banking in the form of U- Banking. It stands for a world in which customers can approach to any net work from any place and in any time by using various technology devices in order to get unique and personalized service. It includes banking transactions in all directions in a ubiquitous environment. The emergence of U- Banking could be viewed as an extension of E-Banking and M-Banking. This paper aims to clarify the concept of U-Banking as well as to identify its components and major challenges.
Key words: Ubiquitous, Ubiquitous computing, U-Banking, Unison
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